Sunday, 17 January 2010

List For Free Sunday 17th January ! - eBay Item Total +14%

Online auction site eBay expects a stampede today as hard-up consumers try to sell unwanted Christmas presents and other items to see them through to the end of the month and pay day.


(Click the image to visit eBay bargains!)

An estimated 2.3m items are expected to be added to the site, boosting total listings by 14% in one day.

The flurry of activity comes ahead of 'Blue Monday,' when temperatures and moods are low, Christmas memories are fading, New Year resolutions have fallen by the wayside and pay day is still two weeks away for many.

Bargain hunters can expect to find plenty of jewellery, watches, clothing and books going cheap.


Click Here For eBay Bargains!

Be sure to forward this to your friends!


Funny Ebay Listings Team.