Saturday, 27 March 2010


This advert is probably the most widely viewed Funny eBay Listing of 2010 so far!

Has appeared on eBay and been removed, then re-appeared again! Been posted on thousands of forums and has a Facebook fan base of 24,000+ !!!


Click Here for eBay Listing

Make sure you read all the questions from the article, they are truly brilliant!

Attention Low Life & Oxygen Thieves and people who THINK they don't fit into the social groups listed above. Basically anyone from the shallow end of the Gene pool.

- eBay seller: beanmasteruk


Here is an archieved link to the original advert as it was removed by eBay:

Funny eBay Listing: Renault Clio Dynamique Original Advert


- Funny eBay Listing Team

Saturday, 20 March 2010

March No Insertion Fee Days (20th & 21st)

List your unwanted Items for Free today and Tomorrow on eBay!


**Click Here to List for Free!**

Also be aware that this will mean a whole lot of bargains flooding onto eBay over the next week! Time now to find that item you've been wanting and get it cheap!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Epic Funny Advert - Nissan Micra

One of those sellers with a great sense of humour!

Nissan Micra Funny Advert
(Click Here for eBay Advert)


There were other uses. When we built our fence, the little car kept our Blue Circle cement dry. And the little ginger kid down the road became East Cheshire’s hide and seek champion after realising that we never bother to lock it, and the boot became a winning hiding place.

Need to read full description and questions to fullly appreciate this advert! Fairly long but well worth it!!